During my internship at Universal Data Inc, I got an inside look at what my everyday life could be in the future. The past few weeks I have learned a lot that I wouldn’t know without the experience of being in the office. I have gained knowledge about the field that I want to go into and furthered my interest in technology.

When I got the internship at UDI, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I had my worries, but they were quickly dissolved. Once I finished my first day at UDI, I noticed that everybody wanted to help me further my career in this field. Everyone was very welcoming and tried to get me acclimated to the company culture. I was assigned to work at the helpdesk alongside my fellow coworkers. Sitting at the helpdesk I got the opportunity to hear how my coworkers solve trivial everyday computer issues from various customers. I also contributed to the overall company productivity such as making automations so that the company can do their operations more smoothly.   As an intern this meant a lot to me, I wasn’t given simple intern tasks. I am immersed in the company and trusted to help the overall goal.

I also really enjoyed attending different meetings for the company. I didn’t have much input, but it was very exciting to hear the inside of the company operations. Towards the middle of my internship, I got the opportunity to help with a project by testing the Wi-Fi at different locations. This was a new approach to my career that I hadn’t thought about yet. I am thankful to UDI for pushing me out of my comfort zone. I have started going outside of my zone and learning new information that can guide me to a career in the IT world.

The highlight of my internship was when I got the automation project, I had been working on to work. It was a huge relief and can help the company’s operations in the future. Accomplishing this project made me feel like I was truly a part of the company. This way I contributed, and my automation will be in use throughout UDI. I feel that my internship at this company gave me a wonderful representation of what my potential career could be. Thank you!